2012年03月15日 05:53
首先我们先参考数据库字典写一条提醒,找到学员表Student里的生日字段Birthday,然后我们使用sql语法编写查询语句: Select StudentID as 学号, StudentName as 姓名 from Student where Birthday is not null and Datepart(month, Birthday) = Datepart(month, getdate()) and Datepart(day, Birthday) = Datepart(day, getdate())
这个查询是针对sql数据库版的。 然后就可以增加提醒了,在系统-系统提醒-新建,按下图所示把语法填写好:  完整的语法: 标 题:生日提醒 提示消息:今天有{0}名学员过生日了 数量查询: Select Count(*) from Student where Birthday is not null and DATEPART(month, Birthday) = DATEPART(month, getdate()) and DATEPART(day, Birthday) = DATEPART(day, getdate()) 展开查询: Select StudentID as 学号, StudentName as 姓名 from Student where Birthday is not null and DATEPART(month, Birthday) = DATEPART(month, getdate()) and DATEPART(day, Birthday) = DATEPART(day, getdate())
这里需要注意的是: 1.提示消息:今天有{0}名学员过生日了 ,括号里的是数字零。 2.数量查询和展开查询略有区别。


完整的语法: 标 题:生日提醒 提示消息:今天有{0}名学员过生日了 数量查询: Select Count(*) from Student where Birthday is not null and DATEPART('M', Birthday) = DATEPART('M', now()) and DATEPART('d', Birthday) = DATEPART('d', now()) 展开查询: Select StudentID as 学号, StudentName as 姓名 from Student where Birthday is not null and DATEPART('M', Birthday) = DATEPART('M', now()) and DATEPART('d', Birthday) = DATEPART('d', now())