2013年08月02日 10:11
主查询: Select Student.ConsultantName as 顾问, sum(Payment.PayMoney) as 金额, Student.ConsultantID as ShowKey from Payment,Student where Payment.StudentID = Student.StudentID and Payment.DateAndTime >= {@StartDate:开始日期} and Payment.DateAndTime <= {@EndDate:结束日期} and Payment.PaymentTypeID in (1,2) group by Student.ConsultantID , Student.ConsultantName
子查询: Select Bill.StudentName as 所属学员姓名, Bill.DateAndTime as 消费日期, Bill.BillTypeID as 类型, Bill.Pay as 应收金额, Bill.Favourable as 优惠金额, Bill.Payed as 实收金额, BillItem.ProductName as 收费项名称 from Bill,billitem,Student Where bill.billid=billitem.billid and Bill.StudentID = Student.StudentID and Bill.DateAndTime >= {@StartDate} and Bill.DateAndTime <= {@EndDate} and Student.ConsultantID = {@ShowKey}
这个查询在主查询设计上,参考Payment充值表流水,达到精准目的。 但在明细上调用的是消费单信息,实现交费的用途查询。如果学员存在预充值(充值尚未进行消费),或者退学等,明细里不作反映。